Members of the Washington Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (WA AFCC) are the leading practitioners, researchers, teachers, and policymakers in the family court arena.
Washington AFCC is unique as a professional association because members do not all share a common profession. Rather, we share a strong commitment to education, innovation and collaboration in order to benefit communities, empower families and promote a healthy future for children.
Membership in Washington AFCC is open to anyone belonging to the international AFCC organization.
There are great benefits of being a member of Washington AFCC, including reduced registration rates for conferences and training institutes, such as our 2019 Annual Conference on March 23, 2019, in Seattle.
Members also enjoy access to the online library of professional resources, including the Center of Excellence in Family Court Practice; email updates on practice issues; and regular subscription and access to back issues of the Family Court Review, one of the primary journals in the field.
Members also have the unique opportunity to connect with colleagues world-wide through the membership directory and the Parenting Coordination Network.